“Idols” is an action film that narrates the difficulties of a young rider to reach the most prestigious championship in the world of motorcycling: Moto GP. What would you do if to get what you want most in life you had to do it next to the one you hate the most?
“Idols” is directed by Mat Whitecross. It stars Oscar Casas, Claudio Santamaría, Ana Mena and Enrique Arce. The story is based on an idea by Jordi Gasull and the script is written by Inma Cánovas, Jordi Gasull and Ricky Roxburgh.
“Ídolos” is a production of 4 CATS Pictures, Warner Bros. Spain, Warner Bros. Italy, Mogambo, Anangu Grup, Greenboo and El Imperio Contrataca AIE.